
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016


Ini merupakan salah  satu perjalanan yang saya abadikan , dan video ini untuk melengkapi syarat salah satu mata kuliah Softskill .


AICPA ( AMERICAN INSTITUTE  OF CERITIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ) Prinsip - Prinsip Etika American Institute Of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) : Tanggung Jawab: Dalam menjalankan tanggung jawab sebagai seorang profesional, anggota harus menjalankan pertimbangan moral dan profesional secara sensitif. Kepentingan Publik: Anggota harus menerima kewajiban mereka untuk bertindak sedemikian rupa demi melayani kepentingan publik, menghormati kepercayaan publik, dan menunjukan komitmen atas profesionalisme. Integritas: Untuk memelihara dan memperluas keyakinan publik, anggota harus melaksanakan semua tanggung jawab profesinal dengan ras integritas tertinggi. Objektivitas dan Independensi: Seorang anggota harus memelihara objektivitas dan bebas dari konflik kepentingan dalam menunaikan tanggung jawab profesional. Seorang anggota dalam praktik publik seharusnya menjaga independensi dalam fakta dan penampilan saat memberikan jasa auditing dan ates...


Video Ala-Ala , cuma buat memenuhi tugas news anchor Video By : Roby Aditya Negara ; Suci Rahmawati Ningrum


A.       Etika Profesi Bisnis Dunia bisnis yang bermoral akan mampu mengembangkan etika (patokan/rambu-rambu) yang menjamin kegiatan bisnis yang seimbang, selaras, dan serasi. Etika sebagai rambu-rambu dalam suatu kelompok masyarakat yang akan dapat membimbing dan mengingatkan anggotanya kepada suatu ikatan yang terpuji. Dalam menciptakan etika bisnis, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, antara lain ialah 1. Pengendalian diri Artinya, pelaku-pelaku bisnis dan pihak yang terkait mampu mengendalikan diri mereka masing-masing untuk tidak memperoleh apapun dari siapapun dan dalam bentuk apapun. 2. Pengembangan tanggung jawab sosial (social responsibility) Pelaku bisnis disini dituntut untuk peduli dengan keadaan masyarakat. 3. Mempertahankan jati diri dan tidak mudah untuk terombang-ambing oleh pesatnya perkembangan informasi dan teknologi Bukan berarti etika bisnis anti perkembangan informasi dan teknologi, tetapi informasi dan tek...

Journal Review

Journal Review  Heading          : E-Commerce orIntenet Marketing : A Business Review From Indian Context Author             : D.K .Gangeshwer Year                 : 2013 Journal Name  ; International Journal of u- and e-service . science and Technologu Vol.6 , No.6 (2013) ,pp.187-194 Page                 : 187 - 194 Reviewer          : Roby Aditya Negara Introduction One of the technologies that truly bring the information revolution in internet technology and society is considered to be the third wave of agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution. The effect of e-commerce has emerged in all areas of business, from customer service to design new products. With technologies such as e-commerce how to offer easier access for companies and individuals and the cost is very cheap...

Review Jurnal

Review Jurnal  Judul Jurnal   :  Analisis Pengendalian Intern Piutang Usaha Pada PT.Adira  Finance Cabang Manado Latar Belakang                      Piutang usaha suatu perusahaan pada umumnya bagian terbesar dari aktiva lancar serta bagian terbesar dari total aktiva perusahaan . Oleh karena itu pengendalian intern terhadap piutang usaha ini sangat penting diterapkan.Kecurangan dalam suatu siklus kerja sangat sering terjadi sehingga dapat merugikan perushaan.Kecurangan yang mungkin terjadi seperti tidak mencatat pembayaran dari debitur dan mengantongi uangnya , menunda pencatatan piutang dengan melakukan cash lapping , melakukan pembukuan palsu atas mutasi piutang dan lain sebagainya.PT.Adira Finance adalah badan usaha milik swasta yang bergerak dalam bidang pembiayaan kendaran bermotor .Dalam hal ini penjualan perusahaan dengan pemberian kredit ,sehingga P...


Elliptical Sentences  An elliptical sentences does not mean a sentences with an ellipsis in it. An elliptical sentences refers to sentences with information missing. These sentences are grammatically correct only if the necessary information to understand the sentences has been supplied previously or is clear from the context of the sentences. As you will see from the examples below,written English would loo quite strange if every elliptical sentences had an ellipsis in it. Elliptic Sentences: So / Too Roby is playing Badminton and they are too Roby Studied english and sp did he Either / Neither She hasn't gone and I haven't either She hasn't gone and neither have I But Roby has studied but Retna has not studied Roby doesn't speak english but Deni does Either ... Or You speak either english or java Neither ... Nor Neither I nor she is happy Not Only ... But Also Not only you but also I'm going to campus Both ...An...


Talking about the future , Everyone has the right to determine their future .In the dictionary of my life , I have a plan that I should never achieved .The plan as , I had to finish research or PI in this Month. I have a plans with friends , the plan as vacation to the Lombok Island and many more. After Eid Mubarak , I have plan to join English Course  , Tax Course , and Toefl Test . I had to finish study next year .After that I have to wor in the Tax Office ,  I will continue my study for Magister and I'll bring my family to  Makkah and Madinnah . Whatever be my plan ,all can be achieved when according to the God is good for me .No one more beautiful besides God plan.


Conditional ( If ) Conditional sentences are also known as conditional clauses or if clauses .They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in a clause with if) is fulfilled . There are three types of conditional sentences. Conditional Sentences type 1 If + subject VI (simple present tense) + subject + will + VI (simple present tense) exp: If I study hard , I will pass the final examination. If I find her address , I'll send her an invitation. Conditonal Sentences type 2 If + subject + V2 (simple pas tense) + subject + would + VI (Past future tense) exp: If I were you , I would apply for that scholarship . If I found her address , I would send her an invitation. Conditional Sentences type 3 If + subject + had + V3 (Past prefect) + subject + would have + V3 (past perfect) exp: If I had worked hard , I would have got the promotion for manager position. If I had found her address , I ...


COUNTABLE NOUNS Countable nouns are individual people , animals , places , things or ideas which can be counted cat , animal , man and person  coin , note , dollar  cup , plate , fork table , chair , suitcase , bag Countable Noun Examples There are at least thirty Italian restaurant in little Italy. Your book is on the kitchen table . There's a big brown dog running around the neighborhood. We like the large bottles of mineral water. I was feeling so stressed that I ate an entire box of cookies . Countable nouns can be singular or plural My cat is playing . My cats are hungry We can use the indifinite article a/an with countable nouns : A cat is an Animal  We can use some and any with countable nouns : I've got some dollars. Have you got any Pens? We can a Few and Many with countable nouns : I've got a few dollars. I haven't got many pens. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Uncountable noun are not individual objects ,...

Telling About Your Experience

My Experience . . . 4th December 2015 , me and friends goes to trip Pramuka Island .The day before departure me and friends us to all prepare .On friday we went from Depok city to Jakarta city with commuter line .In our way dificult    to train signal as a disturb .we arrived in St Jakarta city at   06.58 wib ,but but struggle we do not just shut down. We have to make time that we do not miss a ship who will take us to pramuka island.Finally  we we don’t missed a ship, we are still found a ship that still wait for passengers who will take us to the island .4 hour away that we travel from muara angke to pramuka island.   After arriving at pramuka island , we rest momentarily unwind , and we are waiting for boat will take us to Semak Daun Island .In the island we had set up tent the camp .Night were arrived , we cherish togetherness there until late night.   The day has changed , we had to hurry to leave the island and comeback to Pramuka Island .At th...