Journal Review

Journal Review 

Heading          : E-Commerce orIntenet Marketing : A Business Review From Indian Context

Author             : D.K .Gangeshwer

Year                 : 2013

Journal Name  ; International Journal of u- and e-service . science and Technologu Vol.6 , No.6 (2013) ,pp.187-194

Page                 : 187 - 194

Reviewer          : Roby Aditya Negara


One of the technologies that truly bring the information revolution in internet technology and society is considered to be the third wave of agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution. The effect of e-commerce has emerged in all areas of business, from customer service to design new products. With technologies such as e-commerce how to offer easier access for companies and individuals and the cost is very cheap. Search Engine market (SEM) is a form of web advertising firm to promote their products and services. SEM is a focus on the effectiveness of a search engine that allows businesses to place ads effectively. Unlike online advertising, advertisers pay only when a user actually clicks on your ad when it successfully applied, SEM is capable of producing a stable level of traffic and the Return On Investment (ROI). Boughton (2005) has said that most online through advertising has two main goals: development of brand and direct response. Choosing the right marketing channels ultimately depends on the biggest ROI strategy firm that offers products and services through the web to get a prospect. Non online web-based company might choose marketing in order to increase exposure and promote your brand. SEM is a form of internet marketing that involves website promotion through advertising (paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion). This study relates to conceptual knowledge of search engine marketing or e-commerce, reviews of librarianship. This research deals with motivation factors of shopping online.

Research Objectivies 

This research aims to the conceeptual knowledge of search engine marketing or e-commerce ,literature review , current and future aspects pf e-commerce in Indian context

Research Method

The methods used to this research is qualitative description

Types of  Data

Types of data used in this study i.e., in the form of text, the written word, as well as actions. In addition, it is also used for statistical data that is supporting existing qualitative data

Result And Discussion

Waghmare G.T. (2012) has defined the following types of e-commerce:
(i)  B2B E-Commerce: Companies doing business with each other such as manufacturers selling to distributors and wholesalers selling to retailers. Pricing is based on quantity of order and is often negotiable.
(ii)  B2C E-Commerce: Businesses selling to the general public typically through cataloes utilizing  shopping  cart  software.  By  dollar  volume,  B2B  takes  the  prize,  however B2C  is  really  what  the  average  Joe  has  in  mind  with  regards  to  ecommerce  as  a whole. for example
(iii)   C2C  E-Commerce:  There  are  many  sites  offering  free  classifieds,  auctions,  and forums  where  individuals  can  buy  and  sell  thanks  to  online  payment  systems  like PayPal where people can send and receive money online with ease. eBay's auction service  is  a  great  example  of  where  customer-to  customer  transactions  take  place every day.
(iv)  Others:  G2G  (Government-to-Government),  G2E  (Government-to-Employee),  G2B (Government-to-Business), B2G (Business-to-Government)

Shoppers in Metropolitan India
Zia and Manish (2012) found that, currently, shoppers in metropolitan India are driving eCommerce:  These  consumers  are  primarily  buying  travel,  consumer  electronics,  and books  online.  And although spending per online buyer  remains low, some 59% of online consumers in metropolitan India already make purchases online at least monthly

Shoppers in non-metropolitan India
Consumers  in  nonmetropolitan  areas  will  also  help  fuel  growth;  unlike  online consumers in cities, they are more likely to shop online for goods that are unavailable at local  stores.  Zia  and  Manish  (2012)  estimated  that  eCommerce  retailers  in  India  are expanding  their  offerings  to  the  online  population  outside  metropolitan  India  and  are investing  heavily  in  the  infrastructure  to  support  these  cities.10  Online  apparel  retailer is already seeing demand for its products outside metropolitan India: 50% of its sales are outside India’s 10 biggest cities. To widen their reach, for example, multiple retailers are building warehouses outside central locations; testing shipping  options that work in rural areas; offering payment options like cash on delivery (COD) that provide options  for  the  unbanked;  and  subsequently  marketing  these  to  semi-urban  .

Conclusion And Recomendation

This Paper deals the conceptual knowledge of search engine marketing or e-commerce, literature review, current and future aspects of e-commerce in Indian context. This paper discussed  about the top  motivator  factors  of shopping  online.  The  present  development would  be  a  valuable  addition  to  researcher  and  academicians;  and  useful  theory  for practitioners,  advertisers,  and  entrepreneurs.  Some  of  the  disadvantages  of  e-Marketing are  dependability  on  technology,  Security,  privacy  issues,  Maintenance  costs  due  to  a constantly  evolving  environment,  Higher  transparency  of  pricing  and  increased  price competition,  and  worldwide  competition  through  globalization.


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