
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2016


PRONOUN A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Examples ( I , me , herself , you , that , each , few , many she , it , he ,they , someone , who etc) . Pronouns can do all of the things that nouns can do . They can be subjects , direct objects , indirect objects , object of the prepositions . KINDS OF PRONOUNS Personal pronouns ( I , you , we , they , she , he , it , us , her , his , them , mine , yours , its ) Exp: He prefers to brisk walk to run Demonstrative pronouns ( this , that , these ,those ) Exp : He wanted that much money ? Interrogative pronoun ( who , what , which, whose , whom ) Exp : Who is that ? Relative pronoun ( who , whose , which , whom , that ) Exp : The packet ,which was sent a week ago ,has received Indifinite pronoun ( Anything , everything, none , someone , something ) Exp : You are my everything Reflexive pronoun ( myself , yourself , itself , youselves , himself , ourself , themselves ) Exp : Roby help himself  I wor...


SUBJECT , VERBS , COMPLEMENT AND MODIFIER SUBJECT Definition : The subject of a sentences is the noun , pronoun or noun phrase that precedes and governs the main verb .  Examples : 1. Roby Plays the piano 2. I went to campus VERBS Definition : Verbs are a class of words used to show the performance of an action (do , throw , run ) , existence (be) , possession (have) or state (know ,love) of a subject . Examples : 1. Suci writting a letter 2. Helena reading a book' 3. Roby rides a bicycle COMPLEMENT Definition : A complement (notice the spelling of the word ) is any word or phrase that completes the sense of a subject , object and a verb Examples : 1. A glacier is huge body of ice 2. The convention named Dogbreath Vice President to keep him happy MODIFIER  Definition : The modifier normally follows the complement , but not always .However the modifier , especially when it's a prepositional phrase , usually can't separate the verb and the c...


Hi Everyone . . . . . My name is Roby Aditya Negara , I'm from Bengkulu City and I was born in Bengkulu City .I'm 21 years old , I'm the first child and I have two brothers .  well , , , I will tell you why I can to college on gunadarma.The first reason because my parents, they wanted their kids independent without should always depend on them.Especially my father, because he is the kind of person very firm and discipline.I grew up from both parents my work as a teacher. So clearly if my parents wants me and my brother had better education . First to college on regional gunadarma campus kalimalang.In early in the semester 1 and 2. There's a lot of things into my reasons why I moved to the region of the Depok Campus .But that obviously , I have a few wishes .Especially , I really want to speak English , actually to be honest at this I can't speak English actively . Actually I really like listen of person do use English conversation and I want like of them ....