PRONOUN A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Examples ( I , me , herself , you , that , each , few , many she , it , he ,they , someone , who etc) . Pronouns can do all of the things that nouns can do . They can be subjects , direct objects , indirect objects , object of the prepositions . KINDS OF PRONOUNS Personal pronouns ( I , you , we , they , she , he , it , us , her , his , them , mine , yours , its ) Exp: He prefers to brisk walk to run Demonstrative pronouns ( this , that , these ,those ) Exp : He wanted that much money ? Interrogative pronoun ( who , what , which, whose , whom ) Exp : Who is that ? Relative pronoun ( who , whose , which , whom , that ) Exp : The packet ,which was sent a week ago ,has received Indifinite pronoun ( Anything , everything, none , someone , something ) Exp : You are my everything Reflexive pronoun ( myself , yourself , itself , youselves , himself , ourself , themselves ) Exp : Roby help himself I wor...